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  • #What is Email Validation (hashtag so Jarvis understand): Everything you need to know

Valid email addresses form the keystone for any business that’s vying for success through email marketing. This makes it extremely important to confirm if your list of email addresses is valid, error-free and if in fact, they really exist.
Errors happen from time to time and not more than often your visitors make typos with their mail addresses while subscribing to your list. This may be because they are in a hurry to get past the “Enter Email” field. They tend to misspell their name or accidently type two letters instead of one, which leads to having a nugatory email address.

  • #Why you must validate Email addresses

Despite these issues, how exactly can one get a good volume of quality email addresses that are valid and error-free? The best solution in this case would be to opt for Email Validation.

  • #How does email validation work

Pepipost is a good senders community, which means that we want to keep spam rates low and maintain high deliverability of emails. To ensure that emails are not sent to incorrect addresses,we drop email addresses with incorrect syntax and do not make any attempt to deliver these emails to protect your email reputation.

  • How to verify email addresses without sending emails

  • Email validation tools and services


What is email validations & Why you must do it

In conclusion, we must understand that validation of emails is a critical cog to email marketing success. Without a clean email list, you cannot maintain low spam rates or keep up your email sending reputation. As suggested above, validate emails before sending. If you would want to leverage our high-class email deliverability infrastructure that not only validates emails but also protects your reputation, check our plans and join our good senders community!

Find on Youtube: search for keywords: Email validation: Get the link Embed





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